Tim & Darryl & all,

Getting together for lunch is a good idea! I'd like to do it some time. I suggest after the winter is over. What do you think? I've been sick like a dog for almost a week now. Ben's not doing so good. My hubby neither. It's likely that Ben will have to have tubes put in his ears :-( Anybody's heard of Dr. Jackson from the ENT group of Frederick?



Hey Tim,

It's Darryl. I would be interested in that lunch. Let's see who else would like to come. Talk to you soon,



Hello SF friends!

I just wanted to drop a line to say hi. Things have been busy around the Knight household... Stella had her 2 month vaccinations this past week and we've been dealing with the trauma and fallout, but she finally seems to be her old self today. We're off to California soon to introduce Stella to her left coast family. If anyone is up for getting together for lunch the week of March 2nd, let me know. I would love to catch up with folks, particularly later in the week. I hope everyone is doing well.


Hi everyone!

I just wanted to pop by and say hello to my SF people. It's sooooooooo quiet in Investor Services...just not my personality. Anywho...Rachada's pictures of FL is making me want to go. I think I might have to look into it! I really hope everyone had a better Valentine's Day than I did. Having a fever of 101.5 and nausea was NOT how I envisioned my weekend!

Big hugs to you all!


I'm really happy to see some posts :-). We took a short trip to FL., where it was nice and warm, and had a great time. I'm going back to the office on Monday 2/9. Ben turned a year old on Wed. Other than that I'm doing alright.

Have a good weekend. -- Rachada

Darryl -- CNBC expert

Hello everyone,

Just thought I would check-in to see how the old family is doing. Fine I hope. My job search is coming okay I guess. I did get one job offer, but the pay wasn't enough. So my search continues. Hakan, how are the folks in St. Louis? Do you keep up with any of them? Let me know when one of them opens up their own hedge fund and need some assistance counting the money :)

Hey Everyone

Not sure who is still reading this, but thought I would check in to see how everyone is doing.
