Snow Tubing

There was some talk of snow tubing. If anyone is interested email me at home We were talking about going with the kids to Ski Liberty in Pennsylvania. A big enough group will save us some money.

My kids learned about the situation with Wells Fargo as soon as I found out. Rowan is old enough that you can't hide anything so I went with the better to tell them everything up front. Patrick at 7 is completely oblivious. Sam at 11 is very nuturing and a worrier so she began to stress. I had to explain that there were options that did not necessarily involve selling the home and moving away. Since she is a worrier, she was a hard sell. I asked Rowan who is 14, if he was worried. He said "You're smart, you'll find something better." So if any of you are out there worrying. Listen to Rowan's advice.

Take care,

Hello from Angie

Angie says hello to all sfin folks.

Hey, Let's Blog

I'm not a big blogger or anything. I just thought that having a blog might be a good idea to keep in touch. Feel free to share anything (baby pix, professional contacts, party ideas/invites, etc.) I'll monitor it for a few months to see if there's any traffic.

Your input is always welcome.